オトナの女性に響く自然体で飾らない日常に溶け込む服。+ モノ・コトの循環を生み出す習慣。




【 アシュハリ 】


【 ashuhari 】

We are clothes that melt into everyday life not decorated with natural body echoing women of adults. As a basic concept, we are usingslow and ecological ideas, mainly on sustainable materials. Aiming at making unclaimable clothes that can raise the quality of life, I am manufacturing based in Tokyo based in Tokyo. It has pleasures and attachment to carefully made clothes, and continues weaving the everyday wear that you can wear carefully for a long time.

【 リユース・マーケット】


【 reuse market 】

Intrinsic value is emphasized in daily life, customs care treating good things are getting widespread in recent years. In these customs it is the idea to reuse the empty bottle by washing it and reuse it, or change the owner like old clothes and reuse as it is without changing the shape of things. We will introduce the reuse thing that can sympathize in our daily life with the basic concept as the basic concept of creating circulation of goods and goods.